Friday, December 10, 2021

Singaporean Literature

The Old Man, His Son, and Their Bike

            The Old Man, His Son, and Their Bike is written by M.Ibrahim. It is a short story that talks about the old man who decided to tell his son that they need to sold their bike. The old man and his son then went to walk their journey to place where they will sell their bike. At first the old man was riding the bike and when they passed by the two men, the old man heard that the two men said that the old man should let the young lad ride the bike. The old man then thought that what they are doing is wrong, so he let his son ride the bike. They meet another two men talking that the young lad was selfish for letting an old man walk, so they the old man and his son decided to walk on foot. Then they meet another two men and think of them as a fool because they can actually ride the bike together. The old man and his son decided to ride the bike together and as they go on, the bike slowly broke down sending them away from the bike.

            The theme of the story is that pleasing others will fail a person. The characters include, the old man, his son, the two men who criticized the old man for riding the bike alone, the two men who criticized the son for letting an old man walk, and the two men who laugh and think of a fool of the old man and his son. 

            We can reflect the story in reality, wherein some people will always find something wrong on whatever we are doing. It also reflects the idea that pleasing others is never a good thing because you are not doing the right thing anymore, for you prefer to please others instead. In this story I learned that pleasing others just to please yourself is not always a good thing because it will usually fail you. Pleasing others is like letting oneself to let other's dictate what one is doing. In addition if a person just aim to please others, that person loses one's will to do the right thing because they prefer to do what society or what people is telling them to do.


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