If We Dream Too Long by Goh Poh Seng
If We Dream Too Long is a novel written by Goh Poh Seng. This tells the story of a man named, Kwang Meng. Kwang Meng is an 18 year old boy who graduated from college and work as a clerk. Working as a clerk is something that he hates so much because he never wanted to become a clerk. His two college friends, Hock Lai and Nadarajah (Portia), lives a distinct life, wherein Hock Lai works in an office, while Nadarajah continues his studies abroad. Later in the story, Kwang Meng meets Lucy, a girl at Paradise bar which becomes his girlfriend but soon broke-up because of their social backgrounds. Hock Lai sets up Kwang Meng with a girl named, Anna. Kwang Meng met his neighbor, which is for him is an ideal couple. Hock Lai married Cecilia, a wealthy girl coming from a prestigious family. Kwang Meng continues his life and still do the same thing every single day, like swimming, smoking, and drinking. At the end of the story, Kwang Meng's father died, leaving him behind the burden of taking care of his family.
The story showed to the reader that growing up is not always easy, especially when one had grown up to a not so well-off family. The story also showed to the readers, the life of a man who struggles in the different aspect of life, like the struggle of growing up, the struggle of having a good life, the struggle of love life, and the struggle to provide for ones family. In this story, I learned that growing up is not too easy, like it's a piece of cake, because growing up also means changing oneself or one's life for the better. Growing up means a person has to face different life struggles in order to develop and grow. I also learned that, this story tells us what life is like if one just stays on doing the same thing and that instead of doing what Kwang Meng is doing, one should learn to take a new course of life, change for the better, aim for the dreams that makes one happy, and choose to grow for the better. The title of the story also makes sense, that if we dream too long, it leads us to two things. One, dreaming for too long and aiming for that dream leads us to happiness and prosperity, while the second one suggest that if we dream too long and just remain on dreaming, nothing will change. In addition, I also learned that, we always have a choice on what type of life we choose to live on.
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