Madman on the Roof
The story begins with Gisuke, the father of the Katsushima family, was looking for his son, Yoshitaro. Yoshitaro was on the roof and the father was shouting his name, telling him to come down this instance. Then Kichiji, the family servant, told the father that he should not shout to his son because Yoshitaro would not listen to him. Kichiji also said that Yoshitaro was possessed by an evil spirit that is why he can never understand them. Gisuke ordered his servant to get a ladder so that Yoshitaro can come down. Tokusa, their neighbor notices what was happening in the house. Tokusa saw that Yoshitaro was in the roof again. Tokusa came to their house and suggested that they should hire a priestess that would help cure Yoshitaro. The priestess came to the house and said that Yoshitaro is indeed possessed by an evil spirit. As they were doing the ritual, Suejiro came home and saw what they are doing to his brother. Suejiro stopped them and said that Yoshitaro was not possessed but rather Yoshitaro was just having a serious condition. Then the parents understand and believed what Suejiro said because he was the only one in the family who was educated. At the end of the story, Yoshitaro, Suejiro, and his parents spent time together. Yoshitaro also shared to his family about what he usually saw when he was in the on the roof.
The themes in the story was love and understanding. The main characters were Gisuke, Yoshitaro, Kichiji, Tokusa, and the priestess. The setting was in the Katsushima's home. The conflict was man versus man because some of the members of Katsushima's family and other people tried made a ritual to Yoshitaro, for they thought that he was possess with evil.
What I understood from the story was that, the madman who was on the roof was not actually referred to a man who is mad but rather the madman was actually a person with disability and mental disability.
I learned from the story that we should accept people with disability because they too deserve love and understanding from people who are normal. I also learned that being educated, like Suejiro in the story, is an advantage because you will be able to know what is true and what is not. Being educated can actually help you know that some people are just fraud and some people cannot trick you when you are knowledgeable. I also learned that we should be happy on what makes other people happy and refrained ourselves from taking their happiness, just like in the story, Gisuke who was forcing Yoshitaro to down from the roof, which I think he was trying to take what makes Yoshitaro happy.
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