Thursday, October 28, 2021

Persian Literature: Hell and Heaven

 Hell and Heaven

        Heaven and Hell is an example of Persian Poetry. It is written in a form of "rubai" otherwise known in English as quatrains. Heaven and Hell is the 67th rubai in the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam. 

67th rubai:

Heav'n but the Vision of fulfill'd Desire, 

And Hell the Shadow of a Soul on fire, 

Cast on the Darkness into which Ourselves, 

So late emerg'd from, shall so soon expire.

        In the poem, what I understood is that Heaven symbolizes the fulfilled desire, while hell symbolizes the soul of fire. These vision and shadow are cast in darkness within ourselves,  therefore this vision of desire and shadow of fire is innate to us and is hidden within ourselves. Sometimes it emerged but it will just soon expire, therefore our desire and soul of fire may emerged out from us, but this will only soon pass.

        What I learned from the poem is that, within ourselves we have this heaven and hell or rather our desire and our soul of fire, which are hidden within ourselves.  And these things may emerged out from us but it will just be gone right away. Therefore, I must say that every people, every person has something hidden within themselves.


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